Wastewater Gardens International
  Constructed Wetlands              

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Introduction - understanding sewage water
The Technology & Legal Compliance
Water Treatment Levels & Treated Water Usage
Sound Economics of WWG - Using WWG as economic incentives
Advantages of WWG: an ideal solution
Important Design Factors and Maintenance
Construction and installation Process
Our commitment & expertise
The Planetary Coral Reef Foundation (PCRF)
What people say about WWG
Project references

Overview downloads

Photos and applicability in...
Resorts & Hotels
Schools & Research Centres

Scientific Papers

Special announcements, workshops, conferences,...



... Announcements ...
Projects ... Workshops ... Press ... Awards ... Films ... Conferences

................. Conferences / Publications .................

Please consult “ScientificPapers

....................... Practical Information .......................

As of January 2013, we have made several documents available in our "Overview download" section that extend to pratical and complementary fields of knowledge to constructed wetlands that you may find useful. We recommend in particular the document called "WWG_InfoSheet_AboutSewageAndTreatment.pdf" as it will provide you with a good overview and understanding of the nature of wastewater, sewage in particular, as well as its treatment principal framework.You will also find a worldwide water consumption data sheet.
Please consult: http://www.wastewatergardens.com/1en_resume.html.

Our network's activities .......................

2022 - 2014 - Project Irak - "EDEN IN IRAK"
In March 2014 the Iraqi government approved and agreed to fund constructed wetlands of WWG design to treat two Marsh Arab towns with populations from 15-45,000 people (Al Manar and Al Fuhud). This was the third visit of the WWG team, starting in 2011. In March 2013, a workshop in constructed wetlands technology was conducted for engineers and scientists from the Iraqi Ministries of Water Resources, Environment and the Protection of Iraqi Wetlands.
The project was initiated by Nature Iraq (NI) (http://www.natureiraq.org/waterkeepers-iraq.html), a local organization set-up to preserve important ecological regions and distinctive cultures in Iraq and creator of the Mesopotamian National Park, the first National Park in Iraq, to protect these marshes and the Marsh Arab culture, among the oldest in the world. These marshes were turned into desert in the 1990s when in punishment for an uprising against the government, diversion canals 800 km long, sent the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the west. Since 2003, the diversion canals have been ruptured by local Marsh Arabs, and now over half the original marshlands, an important migratory bird habitat, has been restored. Up to half a million Marsh Arabs who were forced to leave are now returning to the region.
The first constructed wetland will also feature symbolic, historical and artistic elements in a project entitled, Restoring Eden, spearheaded by Prof. Meridel Rubenstein of the Nanying Technical University of Singapore working in collaboration with our team (www.meridelrubenstein.com/eden-in-iraq; https://edeniniraq.com).

2018 - AFRICITIES 2018, Marrakech, Morroco
"The Transition to Sustainable Cities and Territories, The Role of Local and Sub-National Governments of Africa", 20-24 November 2018.
We were most honored to be invited to give two keynote addresses for the meeting held every 3 years uniting all municipalities from the African continent on sustainable sanitation (Sanitation for sustainable Water Governance). Sessions: "Local Strategies for access
to Water and Sanitation to all" (ST9) and "The Blue Gold in Africa (SOU82).

2015 - 2014 - Book reviews "The Wastewater Gardener" by Dr Mark Nelson
. 13 January 2015 "A brief history of how we got into this mess" - Reality Sandwich
. September 2014 - "Shoddy Treatment" - Geographical Journal, Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (With IBG)
. 7 August 2014 - Book review - Resilience
. 30 June 2014 - "Composting Toilets: A drier alternative" - The Mindful Word
. 29 May 2014 - "Preserving our Planet One flush at a time"- Living Green Magazine

2014 - United-Kingdom
New Scientist, Magazine issue 2980, published 2 August 2014;
"A globetrotting, water-saving tour of sewage gardens", by Adrian Barnett

2014 - Singapore

"Value, cycle and options of sewage treatment for sustainable urbanization and development: shift of paradigm and good practice in the integration of the water cycle in architecture and landscaping for long term ecological and economical resilience. Conference/Training for the National University of Singapore (NUS), School of Design & Environment, Ph. D. students, Singapore, 12 November.

2013 - Gyaniar, Indonesia

"Sanitation Basic Principles - Overview of framework Values, cycles and options of excreta and sewage effluent treatment from the perspective of practical health promotion, poverty alleviation, long term ecological and economical sustainability", 3-hour workshop and discussion, Yayasan IDEP (www.idepfoundation.org), Bali, 10 May.

2013 - Singapore

"Sustainable water management: current situation and Plea for Intelligence, wisdom and good governance - Overview of the values, cycles and options of sewage treatment and Management for sustainable urbanism and development", open conference, First Toa Payoh Primary School, Cicada Tree Eco-Place (www.cicadatree.org.sg), Singapore, 6 avril.

2013 - 2012: Algeria

Following our first pilot project in 2007, Wastewater Gardens International got awarded in 2012 a governmental tender in association with local sanitation engineering firm Nationale Eau et Environnment (NEE) for the design and construction preparation of 3 sewage treatment plants in 3 villages northern Algeria (Wilayas Blida, Tipasa and Bourmedes) for a population of 10,000 inhabitants +/-, including workshops for local representatives and Ministry personnel and engineers. In association with Phytorestore.
Ministry of Water Ressources / Department of Hydraulic Studies and Implementation (MRE/DEAH - Ministère des Ressources en Eaux / Direction des Etudes et des Aménagements Hydrauliques) in a cooperation program with the Belgian government of assistance in the development of a new approach of integrated management of the water resource in the coastal hydrographical basin (Programme de Coopération Algéro – Belge ALG0500711, GIRE algérois).

2012 - Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

"Water and Tourism in Bali: Water and Wastewater overview, challenges and solutions for good water stewardship", Yayasan IDEP presentation for the monthly Green Team Meeting by the Bali Hotel Association, 17 September.

2012 - Antalya, Turkey

"Seminar on Constructed Wetlands to treat Wastewater", presentation for the municipality and local businesses, Antalya, 1 June, 2012.

2012 - Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

"Cycle, value and options of sewage treatment in urbanism and development with a special focus on constructed wetlands for sustainable sanitation", presentation for the Bali Clean and Green Forum, at the co. initiative of the Governor of Bali, supported by the chief of Bali Environmental Agency (BLH-Bali), A.A.G.A. Sastrawan, Little Tree, "Ecologically Sustainable Solutions", 20 April, 2012.

2010 - Paris, France

"To understand the cycle, the value and options of sewage treatment in urbanism and development", presentation for architecture and urbanism firm ATSP (http://www.atsp.eu/), 2 July and association Pro-Natura International (http:www.pronatura.org), 5 July. Introduction to ETIMOS France and CONJUNTO PALMEIRAS Brazil (http://www.bancopalmas.org.br), 6 July.

2009 - Male', Maldives

"Understanding the value and use of nutrients in sewage water: Constructed Wetlands for economical and ecological applications in the field of private and public sanitation", presentation for "21st Century Innovations in Green Technology: Application to the Maldives", 5 May 2009.
"Basic Ecology, understanding Sewage, the value and use of nutrients and the principal steps of sanitation", community presentation at the schools Al-Madhrasathul Munavvara on Maroshi island (North Miladhunmadulhu Atoll - Shaviani Atoll) and Guraidhoo (Kaafu Atoll), May and July 2009.

2009 - London, United Kingdom
"Constructed Wetlands: Re-integration of the 'water-cycle' in the design and construction phases of urban development",
for architecture and urbanism firm Penoyre & Prasad LLP, 20 February.

2007 - Témacine (W. Ouargla), Algeria

3 days course: introduction course to fundamental guidelines to sewage water treatment phases and the design and construction of subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetlands to treat sewage water, for hydraulic engineers, agronomists, sewage departments managers and architects.
This training took place in parallel to the study and implementation of a 400m2 pilot WWG municipal sewage water treatment plant for 15m3/day of organic sewage water (equivalent of 100-150 persons +/-), both black and grey waters, coming from local habitants in the site of the millenary Old Ksar of Témacine.
Photo of the WWG unit and its drainage area, just planted, June 2007.
At the request of and funded by: Association SHAMS, the Ministry of Water / Department of Health and Environmental Protection (MRE/DAPE), with the support of the the Belgian Development Agency to develop new integrated water resources management practices (Programme de Coopération Algéro-Belge ALG0500711, GIRE algérois) and the Municipality of Témacine.
Photo from space, 2014.

2005 – Kraków, Poland
International, practical workshop: "Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, wetlands conservation and water recycling", 25-27 October 2005 (PDF)

2004 - Ifrane, Morocco
"Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment and Water Recycling: Wastewater Gardens" as applicability to the Middle-Atlas region of Ifrane.http://www.aui.ma/ceird/

2001 - Bali, Indonesia
“Natural Systems of Wastewater Recycle and Use”, Workshop on “A New Ecotechnic Approach to Wastewater Treatment”. http://www.pata.org/members/view.php?id=622&page=0&cat=5&subcat=0&subsubcat=0

2001 - Manila, Philippines
“Biosphere 2 and the Ecological Engineering Design Paradigm”, Workshop on “Environmental Conservation”.

2000 - Nagoya, Japan
NAGOYA URBAN INSTITUTE, Forum 2000, January 2000. «Design Paradigm for the 21st Century”. http://www.nui.or.jp/

2000 - Tokyo, Japan
HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN INITIATIVE, January 2000. “Design Paradigm for the 21st Century”.

........................ Press ........................

World Water (publication by the Water Environment Foundation / WEF), "Greening the Planet", Volume 37 / Issue 4 - July/August 2014. pp. 23-23, 49.
. http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/Launch.aspx?EID=ff42c7d5-8c06-4b41-9992-3a3a7910ec2e
. http://www.wef.org

CNN International, "Ok the resort's green, but is it good?" by Justin Calderon, 12 December 2011
http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/escape/ok-resorts-green-it-good-333694 - Download


Frost & Sullivan, Technical Insights, Industrial Bioprocessing Alert, "Constructed Wetlands for Remediation of Wastewater", May 2011- Article to the sole attention of Frost & Sullivan Technical Insights members .


Permaculture Activist, "From Wastewater to gardens", December 2010

2010 – Australia

The West Australian, "Biosphere Birdwood - The minds behind a Kimberly savannah want us to rethink the way we live", 14 August 2010

2010 – Australia

The West Australian, "Wastewater recycling brings in the green", 13 August 2010

2009 – Maldives

TVM (Television Maldives), 20h evening news, 05 May 2009

2008 – Algeria

EL WATAN, «L'assainissement par les plantes», 16 April 2008. http://www.elwatan.com

2008 – Spain

LA LUZ, «Recycle of life», March/April 2008.

2007– Algeria

EL MOUDJAHID, «Pour une épuration biologique des eaux usées», 4 September 2007. http://www.elmoudjahid.com

2007– Spain

MODERN ARCHITECTURE, ART & DESIGN MAGAZINE, «Bioclimatic: turning sewage into beautiful green zones - Integrating Ecology with Aesthetics», July 2007. http://www.d-earle.com/

2006 – Australia
SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, Patrick Franklyn, “Waste not, want not”, 08/06/2006. http://www.smh.com.au/

2005 – Spain
RETEMA Medio Ambiente, Revista Técnica de Medio Ambiente, “Tratamiento de aguas residuales con el ejemplo de plantas”, Nº 108, p. 64-71, September – October 2005. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?tipo_busqueda=CODIGO&clave_revista=1113

2004 – Spain
LA CHISPA, “Water Water Everywhere … – Agua Agua por Todas Partes …”, Phil Speirs and Lindsay Espinoza, November 2004. http://www.lachispa.net/

2004 – Australia
TROPICAL HOMES MAGAZINE, « Saving the Environment and Saving Money - Learning from Nature », 2004. http://www.trophomes.com/

2003 – Indonesia / USA
SEACOLOGY, « Healthy New Look for Bali Community Bathing », August 2003. http://www.seacology.org

2002 – Indonesia / USA
SEACOLOGY, « INDONESIA, Bali, « Wastewater garden at Tirtagangga Water Palace », July 2002; update July 2004. http://www.seacology.org

2001 – Indonesia
BALI ADVERTISER, Greenspeak, « I digest, therefore I am responsible », 2001.

2000 - Green Globe Newsletter, « Wastewater Gardens®: Ecotechnic approach for recycling valuable resources, preventing pollution of water and the environment », September 2000. http://www.greenglobe.org

1997 – USA
US WATER NEWS, Mary De Sena, Water Quality Section, « Constructed wetlands provide water treatment for developing countries », 1997. http://www.uswaternews.com/homepage.html

........................... Awards ...........................

2005 – Australia

The Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 2005.
The beneficiary was “Coco Eco Nature Retreat” (http://www.cocoeco.com.au/) which has used Wastewater Gardens for its sewage water treatment and ecoscape. The building was completed in May 2004 and won the prestigious 2005 WA Architectural Award for single residential.
Jury comments: " ... The resulting complex not only works from a sustainability point of view, but creates the ambience requested by the client in an unforced and natural way by adopting forms and materials that reflect the tropics ...The resulting project could well serve as an exemplar for similar projects in the future… Environmental sustainability has been embraced and celebrated within the development with the waste water garden at the entry and centre of the buildings serving as living reminder of a commitment to a more sustainable building and operational practice ... ».
For full article, please consult:

Documentaries ...........................

2004 – Australia
The Organization for Education and Science Integration (OEDSI), Educational program,
Scientific projects, “A wastewater story”, 2004.
Download the video at (99MB): http://www.oedsi.org/iEARN/Step_2/WWG.htm
(Go to the second link middle-bottom of the page).
*** See also “Using WWG / constructed wetlands as an educational tool”.