The success of the first phase of the recently completed Eden in Iraq Wastewater Garden has inspired Iraq Minister of Water Resources Aun to immediately set in motion 8 more constructed wetlands throughout Iraq, working with our international team.
The Eden In Iraq Wastewater Garden Project (under the umbrella of the Institute of Ecotechnics, a 501C3 entity and Nature Iraq NGO) is pleased to announce that construction of wastewater garden in the Mesopotamian Marshes of southern Iraq was completed on May 14th.
The Garden is a humanitarian water remediation project, expressed through wastewater, garden design, and environmental art, providing environmental and cultural regeneration to a desicated region. It will provide urgently needed health and clean water for southern Iraqis, their children, and future generations to come.
With the support of the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources, work on the first (10,000 square meter – 2.5 acres) phase is nearly complete. The full project encompasses 29,500 sq. meter (7.3 acres).
Water Resources H.E. Minister Aun Thiab Abdullah authorized machinery, engineering, over-sight, and work required to realize the first phase of the treatment system.
The minister said,“The Ministry strongly supports the Eden in Iraq Wastewater Project … we strongly encourage the provision of financial support to complete the remaining stages of the project which will end the unfortunate situation of the direct discharge of sewage which affects the marsh ecosystem and the health of the local people.”

Eden in Iraq Wastewater Garden Drawings and view April 2023 of the first phase of site constructed wetland
On May 14th the Minister of Water Resources H.E. Aun and his advisor Samirah Abed, arrived at our site with multiple dignitaries and media for a ribbon cutting ceremony. The first third of our project is completed! Led by Nature Iraq Managing Director and team member Jassim Al Asadi and Dr. Hayder Ali Lafta of the Center for Restoration of Iraq Wetlands and Marshes (and our future construction Project manager on the ground,) it was wonderful to see a display of photographs of the construction and plans for our complete design accompanied by Projector Director Meridel Rubenstein’s photographs. In his remarks, Minister Aun said he will immediately begin to construct 10 additional Phase 1 Constructed Wetlands throughout Iraq, just what we hoped our project would generate. Our vision has come to life!

April 2023, Site Constructed wetland with Garden Design overlayed

Ribbon Cutting
Minister Aun and Jassim Al Asadi
Construction in Progress, begun February 2nd